Next Event: A Night of Hope
Some of our Past Events
- The Teen Project/ Vera's Santuary - Fiesta Fundraiser that raised over $20k for victims of sex-trafficking
- Holiday Boutique - Raised $3000 to support families in crisis
Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.
The ‘typical’ household is no longer ‘typical’. Being a single parent can be overwhelming and challenging. We provide physical gifts such as clothing, grocery, gift certificates or paying their utility bill as well as encouragement and inspiration to these moms and dads that are doing the best they can. The crisis is real. We work with and support other local organizations that have the resources to provide shelter if needed. We do our best to let them know they are seen and not forgotten.
Bringing Awareness to the community about the epidemic of sex trafficking and sexploitation is of utmost importance to us. The statistics are horrifying and we are using our voice to get loud to protect the girls and boys in our area, as well as internationally. We host fundraising events that not only educate, but support those organizations that are making a major impact in this fight. It takes all of us to join in the fight!
We believe that it is our responsibility to protect and provide for children. Whether they need new school clothes, or maybe they won’t have any gifts during the holidays – we need to put a smile on their face. Maybe their Mom or Dad can’t provide their basic needs this month – the CWA community steps in to help. Join us and be a blessing.
Compassion with Action started when four friends who had a desire decided to help those less fortunate.
Note from our Founder
I’m a single Mom who raised her 3 children in Orange County, California several years ago on a waitress salary – ok, no salary, just minimum wage and tips. Making $13,000 a year, let’s just say it was spaghettios and mac & cheese for many years. I barely graduated high school but I did have a great work ethic – usually 2 or 3 jobs at a time so I could take care of my family with no child support.
I am not looking for sympathy, just stating my background.There are many women that had many more struggles than my children and I did. I am very aware of that truth. My background was to help explain why this project is so important to me.
Firstly and foremost, when God gave me this assignment, I knew it was from Him. Secondly, I have thought back to those difficult days and thought to myself, just a little gift of money for groceries or gas or help with paying a bill would have made such a difference in my life but I was never looking for a handout. These are the single parents and families who we look to bless.
We do something for these individuals every month. Please consider donating to help us help them. You can help us by making a Donation – Monthly or One time
Another passion that is extremely important to our organization are the many Victims of Sex trafficking. The women and children that are being held captive are in the millions. We cannot just look away and say this is too big a problem and we can’t do anything. Helping the organizations that ARE capturing the children and women and ARE putting the pedophile in prison is something we can and must do.
As Compassion with Action (CWA) spreads the awareness of this horrific epidemic and hosts fundraising events to educate the community, we believe it will help the fight.
I believe many people want to help – they just don’t know what to do!
We welcome sponsors to help offset the costs for our events. Contact me directly for more information. Also, please consider joining our community on our website so you can be informed on a monthly basis of our events and who we have blessed each month. Feel free to use the Contact Form to let us know if you’d like to join us locally. Together we can make a difference in many lives.
It is my honor to work side by side with many compassionate people as we take action to make others know that they are not forgotten. If we can join hearts and show the women and children in crisis that God loves them and so do we…it’s a good day !!
I appreciate your help beyond words,
Darlene Turgeon
Founder/ CEO
Some of our Past Events